Gale Law Group
525 Clifford Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78404

Front Page

February 22, 2019

6 Investigates Follows-Up: Jailed “Citgo 6” facing torturous conditions in Venezuela

Corpus Christi Citgo employee Alirio Zambrano thought nothing of being summoned to Caracas, Venezuela, for a meeting in late November 2017. After all, Caracas is home to Citgo’s parent company, Petroleos De Venezuela, S.A. (“PDVSA”), Venezuela’s state-owned oil company and at the time, Zambrano was VP and Operations Manager at Citgo’s Corpus Christi refinery. But, the meeting was a trap…

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citgo 6 thumbnail
February 14, 2019

Legal Differences Between Possession, Distribution, and Manufacturing of a Controlled Substance

Drug crimes have gotten a lot of attention in the last several decades. Every state (including Texas) has laws that prohibit the possession, manufacturing, and sale of certain controlled substances. This includes marijuana, methamphetamine, ecstasy, cocaine, and heroin. Even the federal government has laws against the possession, distribution, and manufacturing of these substances. The costs […]

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drug cases
January 30, 2019

New Website!

Welcome to the Gale Law Group website, we are glad you stopped by. If you have any questions or concerns, we are available to take your calls and give you the advice you need to hear.

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broken chain