While courtroom litigation is a valuable resource, it’s not always the best way to resolve legal disputes. There are alternatives, and mediation is one of them. It’s a non-adversarial process through which disputes can be settled, and it takes place outside the courtroom. Both parties will get together with their attorneys to discuss any issues related to the dispute, which will be guided by an impartial third party (who is called the “mediator”).

Mediators are trained professionals who are able to facilitate discussions between disputing parties, so they can come up with an agreement. They don’t offer legal advice, but they can provide general information about the legal process so the parties and their attorneys can come up with a workable solution.
Texas mediation is a confidential and private process. The sessions are often closed to anyone except for the involved parties, and mediators aren’t allowed to disclose any confidential information they receive throughout the process. It also can’t be used as evidence if the case were to go to trial. Many participants see this kind of privacy as a major benefit of mediation in Texas.
Mediation in Texas can come with the following benefits:
– Directing the Process and Outcomes – You can decide the settlement of your dispute instead of leaving it up to a judge.
– Savings of Cost and Time – Mediation is cheaper and faster than the litigation process, so you’ll be able to resolve the dispute sooner.
– Preserving Relationships – You can preserve the relationship you have with the disputing party, because you can resolve your issues without going through the stress of courtroom litigation.
– Keeping Things Simple – If both parties are able to come to a mutual agreement, mediation can be a simple and straightforward approach to resolving a dispute.
– Finding Creative Solutions – Mediation will allow both of you to come up with constructive and creative solutions that are more suitable to your specific needs.
Be sure to speak with a qualified attorney for more information.
Knowing what to expect from Texas mediation can help you decide if it’s the right option for your specific situation. Mediation usually takes place in five steps:
– Opening Statements – The mediator introduces everyone, explains the process, and establishes the ground rules. The parties will also give an explanation of their perspectives on the dispute.
– Joint Discussions – The parties will communicate with each other about the issues, which are guided by the mediator. The purpose of this step is to foster some type of understanding and to clarify the positions of each party.
– Caucuses – The mediator meets privately with each party to discuss their concerns and options as he or she facilitates the mediation process. This step gives the involved parties a confidential space where they can explore any possible solutions without feeling pressured.
– Negotiations – With the mediator’s help, the involved parties will start to negotiate as they address each issue related to the dispute. In this step, both parties will work together to come up with an equitable solution.
– Documentation – Once an agreement has been reached, the terms will be documented. This will make sure both parties understand their commitments and responsibilities going forward.
Be sure to speak to a qualified attorney for more information.
Unless it’s ordered by the court or required by a provision in a contract, mediation in Texas is usually voluntary. It’s conducted according to the following rules:
– Anything discussed throughout the process is confidential and can’t be used in future litigations.
– The mediator must remain neutral and impartial throughout the process and is not allowed to make decisions for the parties. The mediator can, however, facilitate conversations to help parties come up with a solution.
– The parties involved in the mediation have the right of self-determination, so they have control over the outcome and any agreement they have reached.
– The mediator does not make decisions based on the merits of the case. He or she simply facilitates a conversation between the disputing parties so they can both agree to a solution.
– Mediators must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their neutrality.
– The mediator or any of the parties can terminate the mediation at any time for any reason.
– Agreements are documented in writing as a Mediated Settlement Agreement (MSA). This agreement is legally binding, and Texas courts can enforce it as they would any other contract.-
If you’re looking for an attorney in Corpus Christi to help you with your Texas mediation case, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.