Gale Law Group
525 Clifford Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
  1. Nueces County’s chief medical examiner under criminal investigation

    CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — 3News has confirmed with the Nueces County District Attorney’s Office that the County’s current chief medical examiner, Dr. Adel Shaker, is under criminal investigation.

    Read The Full Article Here

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    Nnueces county medical examiner

  2. What are the Differences Between Drug Trafficking, Distribution, Possession, and Manufacturing?

    Drug crimes have gotten a great deal of attention in the last several decades. Every state (including Texas) has laws against the possession, manufacturing, and sale of certain controlled substances. This includes any of the following drugs:

    • Marijuana
    • Methamphetamine
    • Ecstasy
    • Cocaine
    • Heroin

    Even the federal government has laws against the possession, distribution, and manufacturing of these substances. The cost associated with drug and alcohol abuse is more than $110 billion a year and are often related to the following:

    • Accidental death and injuries.
    • Health care.
    • Dependency treatments.
    • Criminal behavior.

    Whether it’s through the federal or state justice system, most drug cases are related to possession, manufacturing, trafficking or distribution. If a substance is considered “controlled,” these kinds of actions are limited or even prohibited. Every controlled substance is put at a certain level (or “schedule”) under both state and federal statutes, which will determine the laws surrounding them.

    drug crimes

    Laws Related to Drug Trafficking in the State of Texas

    Term “drug trafficking” refers to the distribution of any controlled substance. This can include the transportation, sale, or import of these products. It can also include the transportation and sale of prescription drugs, which has recently been on the rise. A drug trafficking charge in Texas is considered a felony, and it can come with a wide range of penalties. If it’s a state jail felony, it will carry the most lenient punishment. But, if it’s a first-degree felony, the penalties will be harsher. Several factors will determine your sentence of a drug trafficking conviction in the State of Texas, which can include but may not be limited to:

    • The amount being distributed.
    • The type of drug being distributed (which will be listed in any of the four groups under the Texas Controlled Substances Act).

    Texas has some of the harshest penalties for drug trafficking, but prosecutors have been known to offer plea deals to people who have been accused of these crimes. They will be offered a lesser charge in exchange for information that would help the authorities get the evidence they need to complete a more important investigation.

    Drug Possession Laws in the State of Texas

    The Texas Controlled Substances Act makes it illegal to possess certain drugs that have been classified as either “illicit” or “controlled.” But, to be guilty of drug possession in Texas, you had to have known that it was a controlled substance and that you intended to be in possession of it. According to Texas Law, drug possession is considered a Class A or Class B misdemeanor, which can carry a penalty of up to one year in jail and fine of up to $4,000. But, the specific penalty will depend on the circumstances of the case. Being in possession of certain illicit drugs can be considered a third-degree or even a first-degree felony, which can have a maximum penalty of life in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

    Being in possession of marijuana can be seen as a lesser crime (or even a Class B misdemeanor), which can carry a sentence of up to 180 days in jail and fine of up to $10,000 if you have been caught with less than two ounces. If you have been caught with more than 2,000 pounds of marijuana, you could face life in prison and fine of up to $50,000.

    Laws with Regard to Drug Manufacturing in the State of Texas

    Manufacturing or cultivating illicit drugs is considered a crime in the State of Texas, with each one being placed into four groups. This will determine the penalties associated with manufacturing the substance. Marijuana has its own classification, so it’s separate from the other four groups. To be guilty of manufacturing a controlled substance, you must have intended to deliver it to someone else. The penalties for these crimes can vary, and it can depend on a number of factors. These can include but may not be limited to:

    • The type of drug.
    • The quantity of the drug.
    • How the drug was being cultivated.
    • Whether you had any past convictions for drug charges.

    The penalties for drug-related charges in the State of Texas (including the manufacturing or cultivation of the substance) can be severe. Even if it’s a state jail felony, it can carry a sentence of 180 days and up to two years in a state prison with a fine of more than $10,000. You could also be charged with a first-degree felony, which can lead to life in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. But, the specific charge and penalty will depend on which group the drug falls under and how much was involved.

    If you’re facing a drug charge and are looking for the best criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.

  3. What Are Your Rights if You’re Arrested in Texas?

    No matter what you’re being arrested for, it’s important to pay attention to what’s going on. Depending on what the officer does or doesn’t do, your rights may have been violated. A qualified criminal defense attorney might be able to get enough information to come up with a defense. In some cases, your charges may be reduced or even dropped.

    arrest rights in texas

    Proper Arrest Procedures in the State of Texas

    In many types of criminal cases, the actions of the arresting officer or any other officers involved in the process of your detainment can determine the outcome of your case. There are certain procedures that the police are legally required to follow during the arrest of a suspect to make sure there is justice for everyone (including yourself). You can’t be mistreated, and you can’t have your rights withheld or violated. You’re not required to let the police search you, your belongings, your house, or your car if they don’t have a search warrant. They can search you if they suspect that you have something on your person or in your immediate vicinity that could cause them harm. They have no right to search you or your property without your permission.

    You’re also not required to answer any of their questions or say anything while you’re being arrested. You do, however, need to tell the officer that you plan to stay silent. If the officer tries to get you to talk through the use of force or any other means, this would be considered coercion and is a violation of your “right to remain silent.”

    You have the right to legal counsel, whether it’s on the scene or at the police station, so you should ask to speak to one. If you don’t have one, it must be provided by the government. You shouldn’t be forced to answer any questions without this person present. You’re also allowed to make one local phone call, which can be made to anyone. If happens to be your lawyer, the police aren’t allowed to listen in on that conversation.

    The police aren’t allowed to use excessive force when they arrest you. They can, however, use “all reasonable and necessary force” to overcome any kind of resistance you make their arrest. This definition does seem subjective. But, as long as you stay calm and aren’t resisting or obstructing the officers, they have no right to use force. Even if you’re resisting arrest, it can’t be excessive relative to your level of resistance. If you’re unarmed and only argued with the officer without posing any real danger, this person is not allowed to get violent with you. This includes any of the following actions:

    • Kicking
    • Punching
    • Suffocating

    If any of these actions happened during or shortly after your arrest, you need to tell your attorney as soon as possible so he or she can use this information to come up with a defense. Depending on the circumstances, your case might even be thrown out without a trial.

    Your Rights with Regard to DNA Samples and Breathalyzer Tests

    You have the right to refuse any test that that the police wants to give you, but the addition of “no-refusal weekends” and “zero-tolerance policies” have made this issue more complicated. It’s always a good idea to refuse a blood test, and you should make a cop get a search warrant if the cop wants to take your blood. Once the officer has it, you must make it clear that you’re cooperating under duress. If you don’t cooperate with the blood test, several police officers will hold you down while it’s taken by force.

    It’s easier to fight a positive breath test than it is to fight a positive blood test. So if you’re arrested over the weekend, during a holiday, or at a time when it’s unlikely for a judge to sign a search warrant, it’s better to take the breath test. There are, however, some circumstances (such as if you’re arrested for a felony DWI, intoxication assault, or intoxication manslaughter) when the police can take your blood without a search warrant. But, because of a recent decision made by the US Supreme Court, most police officers should try to get a search warrant before administering a blood test.

    What Can Happen if You Weren’t Read Your Miranda Rights During an Arrest

    If you believe that the police didn’t inform you of your Miranda Rights in Texas before they interrogated you, you should contact a criminal defense lawyer in Corpus Christi as soon as possible. If an attorney can prove that you weren’t “mirandized” when you should have been, anything you said while you were in custody won’t be admissible in court. Your words can’t be used to build a case against you, and the interrogation has been legally suppressed.

    If you have been arrested and believe that your Miranda Rights have been violated, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.

  4. New evidence prompts DA to dismiss charges against man accused in 2020 murder

    In July of 2020, detectives arrested 26-year-old Jared Naranjo for the murder of Frederick Rice. Authorities now believe that was done in self defense.

    CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A man on trial for murder has been released due to new and crucial evidence proving the defendant’s claim of self defense. 

    It was in July of 2020 when police were called to Mokry Drive near Carroll Lane and Gollihar Road at around 3:30 a.m. That’s where they found Frederick Rice suffering from a gunshot wound. He was taken to the hospital where he later died from his injuries.

    Read the full article here

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  5. What is the Difference Between Civil and Criminal Law?

    From best-selling novels to award-winning TV shows and podcasts, people are fascinated by how the media portrays the American legal system. They’re drawn to the drama and suspense that goes on in the courtroom, and they love to see what lawyers do best (which is defend the innocent and prosecute the guilty). While this makes for good drama, how much do you know about how the practice of law actually works? Laws can be classified in a number of different ways, and one of the broader classifications divides them into two basic groups: civil and criminal.

    law in corpus christi

    Elements of Criminal Law in Texas

    Criminal law deals with a legal system that’s designed to punish or reform people who have committed some kind of criminal offense against a state or nation. It also includes crimes committed against individuals. Criminal laws vary based on the jurisdiction, and some of them are more severe than others. The prosecution for a criminal case involves the government deciding whether to punish someone for committing a crime and will be based on whether it falls in any of the following categories:

    • Misdemeanors — These types of crimes aren’t that serious and are classified with a letter system (in an A-C format) from least to most severe. Punishments can include fines, loss of certain privileges, and even jail time. Examples of misdemeanor offenses include parking violations, public intoxication, trespassing, petty drug crimes, disorderly conduct, and certain cases of weapons possession.
    • Felonies — These are the most serious types of criminal offenses. In the State of Texas, they’re classified according to their “degree.” Punishments for felony crimes can result in short or long prison sentences and even the death penalty. Examples of felonies can include murder, aggravated assault, kidnapping, arson, as well as the sale or manufacture of drugs.

    If you want to know more about criminal law in Texas, be sure to speak to a qualified attorney.

    Aspects of Civil Law in Texas

    The term “civil law” is used to describe any legal case that isn’t considered criminal, and it usually involves an attempt to settle a monetary or property-related dispute between private citizens. Civil law in Texas deals with individual rights or interests (such as contractual agreements) that have been violated by another person or organization. A civil lawsuit in Texas must be filed. In the courtroom, the participants on both sides of the case are referred to as “parties.”

    Civil law is typically divided into four separate categories, which can intersect (depending on the specifics of the case):

    • Contract Law — Enforces and interprets agreements between people, businesses, or groups as it relates to the exchange of money, services, goods, or property
    • Property Law — Manages the different types of ownership with regard to personal property, real estate, or land.
    • Family Law — Involves issues related to the family relationships (such as child custody, divorce, adoption, paternity, and emancipation).
    • Tort Law — Covers most civil lawsuits in Texas and in other states, because it involves the law as it relates to the protection and compensation of people who have been hurt by the recklessness or negligence of someone engaged in wrongdoing.

    Be sure to speak to a qualified attorney for more information.

    Important Differences Between Civil and Criminal Law in Texas

    The main difference between civil and criminal law is in how they’re dealt with in the courts. Criminal cases are prosecuted by state officials, while civil cases involve private individuals or organizations (which are called “plaintiffs”). In criminal cases, the prosecutor must be able prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the person being charged is guilty. But, in civil cases, the plaintiff must prove with a “preponderance of evidence” that the defendant is liable.

    How Civil and Criminal Law Can Intersect in the State of Texas

    While civil and criminal law were meant to address two different types of wrongdoing, they do have some similarities. Sometimes, they can even meet in the middle. Criminal law deals with crimes that are committed against the state, but some cases will have both civil and criminal trials. The victim may decide to sue someone for civil damages that resulted from the crime, but neither case rulings will be mutually exclusive. A person who wasn’t convicted of a crime could still be liable in a civil lawsuit in Texas for the same actions.

    If you have been charged with a crime and are looking for a criminal defense lawyer in Corpus Christi to help you with your case, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.

  6. Defending Murder Cases

    If you’re facing murder charges in Texas, your entire life will hang in the balance. The quality of the representation you choose could determine the sentence you receive (which can be serving a long prison sentence or even the death penalty). Criminal homicide can include several different offenses, including the following:

    • Murder
    • Manslaughter
    • Capital murder
    • Criminally negligent homicide

    Any death that is the result of negligence or the actions of someone else (regardless of whether another crime was reported) may be tried in court as murder or homicide, and the difference between each type of defense can be a matter of life and death in the State of Texas.

    defense of murder

    Types of Murder Charges in Texas

    There’s no such thing as “second-degree murder” in the State of Texas. Instead, it’s just called “murder” and is considered a first-degree felony. Murder charges in Texas can lead to up to 20 years in a state prison with no possibility for parole — at least, not after serving many years of incarceration. A murder conviction can also result in a fine of up to $10,000, which must be paid to the state.

    First-degree murder is called “capital murder” in the State of Texas. The important difference is that capital punishment (which refers to the death penalty) is an option for sentencing. As long as you’re at least 17 years of age and the circumstances of the alleged murder are considered “egregious,” it may be considered capital murder and could result in the most severe penalties.

    You committed an act of manslaughter if you killed someone recklessly, which exists is there’s a substantial and unjustifiable risk that resulted in someone else’s death. To be convicted of manslaughter in Texas, you must be aware that the risk exists but did it anyway. The act must be a gross deviation from the standard of care that would ordinarily be exercised under the circumstances. If you shot a loaded gun into a crowd without aiming at someone in particular (or were even aiming above the crowd), you could be prosecuted under a manslaughter charge and can serve 2-20 years in prison.

    Criminally negligent homicide occurs if you killed someone else because of “criminal negligence,” which occurs if you weren’t aware of the risk of harm but should have been. If two friends are “playing guns” by aiming and pulling their triggers while believing they’re not loaded are most likely engaging in criminal negligence if it’s actually loaded and resulted in someone’s death. This can lead to time in a state jail between 180 days and 2 years.

    Defenses to Murder Charges in Texas

    If you have been charged with any kind of murder offense in the State of Texas, you may be justified in killing that person if it was because of self-defense or in the defense of someone else. You have the right to use force against someone who is attacking you, is committing, or is threatening to commit a criminal act against you. You can also be justified in killing that person if he or she enters your residence. There are important limitations to this right of self-defense, which include the following:

    • You must not be the aggressor of the confrontation.
    • You can’t claim self-defense if the other person only engaged in verbal provocation. You can’t punch or batter anyone who insults you.
    • The use of force must be proportionate and reasonable under the circumstances. If you stab someone multiple times with a knife after that person threw a punch, you can’t claim self-defense.

    Use of deadly force is only permitted if someone else threatens you with the same level of force. It can also be used if you’re in imminent danger of any of the following:

    • Aggravated kidnapping
    • Murder
    • Sexual assault
    • Aggravated sexual assault
    • Robbery
    • Aggravated robbery

    Use of force can used against someone who unlawfully and with force enters your home, vehicle, or workplace. It can also be used if you had a reasonable belief that use of force is justified and necessary under the circumstances. This is determined on an objective level. If a reasonable person in the same situation wouldn’t feel threatened or that use of deadly force wasn’t called for, you may not avoid criminal liability by claiming self-defense (regardless of what you believe).

    You can use deadly force in the defense of someone else if:

    • You reasonably believe that the third person would be justified in performing an act of self-defense.
    • You reasonably believe that your immediate intervention is needed to protect the other person.

    Your actions will be judged on an “objective, reasonable person” standard. If your beliefs aren’t the same as a reasonable person in the same set of circumstances, the killing wouldn’t be justified (regardless of your personal beliefs).

    If you’re looking for a criminal defense lawyer in Corpus Christi to help you in your defense of murder charges in Texas, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.

  7. Former city employee files civil lawsuit over unpaid benefits of around $15,000

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    The lawsuit states Rudy Bentancourt had around 528 hours of unused sick time saved up. He had planned to cash out this allocated time when he retired.

    A former city employee and his attorney have now filed a civil lawsuit against the city of Corpus Christi alleging age discrimination.

    The collective action complaint was filed this week in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas Corpus Christi Division.

    The Lawsuit was filed on behalf of 47-year-old Rudy Bentancourt, who claimed the city did not pay him his full unused sick time when he retired in February.

    Read the full article:

  8. Corpus Christi is Ranked 43rd in America for Violent Crimes

    In 2019, the FBI ranked Corpus Christi as the 43rd most dangerous city in America for violent crimes. This is based on gathered information in each reported city, which is a collection of crime data called “uniform crime reporting.” The FBI classifies murder, some cases of manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault as violent crimes. In 2019, there were an estimated 736.9 violent crimes for every 100,000 people in Corpus Christi. It’s still lower than Houston, which had 1,072 violent crimes. But it’s still higher than San Antonio (which had 515.9 violent crimes) or Austin (which had 286.9 violent crimes). Dallas doesn’t report violent crimes to the FBI, so it isn’t ranked on the list.

    crime in corpus christi

    Current Violent Crime Data in Corpus Christi

    If you’re a resident of Corpus Christi, you have a 1 in 115 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime. This is in a city with a population of over 326,000 people. Here is the data for the different types of violent crimes for the City of Corpus Christi:

    • There were 31 murders for a rate of 0.09 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 266 rapes for a rate of 0.81 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 499 robberies for a rate of 1.53 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 2,034 assaults for a rate of 6.23 per 1,000 people.

    The total number of violent crimes for the United States (which has a population of over 328 million people) are as follows:

    • There were 16,425 murders for a rate of 0.05 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 139,815 rapes for a rate of 0.43 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 267,988 robberies for a rate of 0.82 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 821,182 assaults for a rate of 2.50 per 1,000 people.

    Corpus Christi had over 4,240 total reported crimes per 100,000 people in 2020, which is higher than the rates for Texas and the United States. This included 794 violent crimes per 100,000 people that were reported that same year. Here is the individual data for each of the crimes reported in 2020:

    • There were 9.4 murders for every 100,000 people.
    • There were 51.1 rapes for every 100,000 people.
    • There were 100 robberies for every 100,000 people.
    • There were 263 assaults for every 100,000 people.

    If you have been charged with a violent crime, the penalties can be harsh. The last thing you want to do is go at it alone. So, be sure to speak to a criminal defense lawyer in Corpus Christi to help you with your case. At Gale Law Group, we have a team of people who will fight for you!

    Current Property Crime Data in Corpus Christi

    If you live in Corpus Christi, you have a 1 in 28 chance of becoming a victim of a property crime. This can include burglary and theft (including motor vehicle theft). Here is the data for the different property crimes in Corpus Christi:

    • There were 1,988 burglaries for a rate of 6.09 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 8,619 thefts for a rate of 26.37 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 895 motor vehicle thefts for a rate of 2.74 per 1,000 people.

    Here is the total number of violent crimes for the entire country:

    • There were 1,117,696 burglaries for a rate of 3.42 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 5,086,096 thefts for a rate of 15.50 per 1,000 people.
    • There were 721,885 motor vehicle thefts for a rate of 2.20 per 1,000 people.

    There were 3,446 property crimes reported in Corpus Christi for 2020, which includes the following:

    • There were 595.5 burglaries for every 100,000 people.
    • There were 2,579.3 thefts for every 100,000 people.
    • There were 270.9 motor vehicle thefts for every 100,000 people.

    This is compared to the 2,391 property crimes reported in Texas, which includes the following:

    • There were 392.8 burglaries for every 100,000 people.
    • There were 1,730.6 thefts for every 100,000 people.
    • There were 267.2 motor vehicle thefts for every 100,000 people.

    If you have been accused of a property crime and are looking for the best criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi to help you with your case, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group. If you have been charged with any kind of crime, you don’t want to go it alone. So if you want someone who will fight for you, we would be happy to speak with you about how we can help you come up with a solid defense.

  9. Repeat Offender Sentencing Laws in Texas

    In certain circumstances, Texas Law allows for certain “enhancements” with regard to the sentencing on criminal charges. And one of the circumstances that can affect it is if you’re considered a repeat (or habitual) offender. If you meet this definition, you could face harsher penalties for the same charge than if it was your first offense and had no previous convictions. For the court to use this enhancement, it needs to make sure you meet this specific definition. And if it doesn’t apply, they can’t use it against you.

    Definition of a Habitual or Repeat Offender

    Like many states around the country, Texas takes a hard stance on people who have been convicted of multiple felonies. If you had at least two previous felony charges and committed a third offense, you could be considered a habitual offender. And your sentencing could be harsher because of this designation. There are, however, some scenarios that could apply to this situation. Some of them can include but may not be limited to:

    • If you were convicted of a third-degree or higher felony and are facing another third-degree felony charge, your conviction will be sentenced as if it were a second-degree felony.
    • If you were convicted of a third-degree or higher felony and are facing a second-degree felony charge, your conviction will be sentenced as if it were a first-degree felony.
    • If you were convicted of a third-degree or higher felony and are facing a first-degree felony charge, your conviction will be sentenced as if it were a capital felony with a minimum of 15 years in prison.
    • If you had two previous state jail felony convictions and are facing a new state jail felony charge, your conviction will be sentenced as if it were a third-degree felony.
    • If you had two previous third-degree or higher felony convictions committed in a series, getting a new state jail felony will be sentenced as a second-degree felony.

    If you’re considered a repeat offender, it can significantly enhance the penalties you face if you’re convicted of another crime.

    repeat offender

    The Three Strike Law in Texas

    Repeat offenders are subject to the Three Strike Law in Texas, which says that certain crimes committed with one or more previous occurrences could lead to the harshest possible penalties. For this to be the case, both of the previous convictions need to have occurred after the other has been completed and sentenced. But if there’s any overlap, they don’t count as “prior felony convictions.” If you had two previous felonies that apply to this rule and are facing a third felony conviction, it could result in the following penalties:

    • Life in prison.
    • A prison sentence not to exceed 99 years.
    • A prison sentence not less than 25 years.

    Even if you’re only facing a second-degree felony, you could be sentenced to life in prison.

    Additional Enhancements for Repeat Offenders

    Certain repeat offenses can lead of a life sentence even with only one previous conviction. These crimes are so serious that a repeat offense could lead to a person being permanently taken out of society. Some of them include but may not be limited to:

    • Sexual assault (rape).
    • Aggravated sexual assault.
    • Indecency with a child.
    • Aggravated kidnapping.

    If any of these convictions are on your record, it’s extremely important for you to hire an attorney with experience in dealing with repeat offender cases. Otherwise, you could face a life sentence.

    Possible Defenses Against a Repeat Offender Designation

    The best way to defend yourself against a repeat offender designation is to be found not guilty of the charge you’re currently facing. If you’re not convicted, you can avoid the designation altogether. Some of the defenses that can lead to this result can include but may not be limited to:

    • Filing a suppression motion that will exclude any evidence that was unconstitutionally gathered.
    • Presenting reasonable doubt to the jury.
    • Showing inconsistencies in the prosecutor’s case.
    • Challenging the testimony or credibility of witnesses.
    • Calling your own witnesses to testify on your behalf.
    • Proving that the charges filed against you are false.

    Even if you’re convicted, there are still ways to avoid the worst possible sentence. Texas judges have a great deal of discretion on how they can sentence you. Because of certain factors (such as prison overcrowding and funding problems), they will often give you something other than a life sentence. If you have an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Corpus Christi to help you with your case, you can show the judge why you should be given a lesser penalty than what he or she could impose. A qualified attorney knows what to argue, what the judge is looking for, and how to use the unique circumstances of your case to argue a lesser sentence.

    If you’re looking for the best criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.

  10. How to Defend Against a DWI in Corpus Christi

    Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is considered a serious crime in the State of Texas and can come with serious consequences. Yet, most of the people who are charged with a DWI in Texas are hard-working people with no criminal history. The first and second DWI offense is considered a misdemeanor. But after that, it’s considered a felony. The same is true for any of the following charges:

    • DWI with marijuana.
    • DWI with prescription drugs.
    • Flying while intoxicated.
    • Boating while intoxicated.

    There are also people get charged with the following offenses:

    • Driving with an open container.
    • DWI with a child passenger.
    • Intoxication assault.
    • Intoxication manslaughter.

    Every one of these cases can lead to the following:

    • License suspension.
    • Scram bracelets.
    • Jail time.
    • Ignition interlock.
    • Fines and fees.
    DWI Defense

    It can also result in license renewal surcharges from the Texas Department of Public Safety of $1,040 a year for up to three years. It can also lead to enhanced penalties, depending on who the “victim” was if you caused an accident. There are a lot of collateral consequences that can affect your entire life.

    Long-Term Consequences of a Texas DWI

    Some of the long-term consequences of a DWI conviction in the State of Texas can include but may not be limited to:

    • Your ability to find and keep a good job, which can include careers that require a security clearance or professional licenses.
    • Your ability to provide for your family and to have custody of your children.
    • Your ability to get a student loan or mortgage.
    • Your ability to rent an apartment.
    • Your ability to own and use a firearm.
    • Your ability to vote.

    Even after you have completed your sentence, you will have to pay the price. Some people (such as first-time DWI offenders with a breath test or blood test) may be eligible for an expunction or nondisclosure, but other people (including those who have been convicted of a felony DWI) can lose some of their basic constitutional rights. They can sometimes be reinstated in the State of Texas, but it can be a difficult and time-consuming process without any guarantees.

    Why You Should Fight a DWI in Texas

    The consequences of a Texas DWI are enough reason to fight these kinds of charges, but it’s your name that’s really on the line. Anyone can get a DWI in Texas, but a conviction can set you back. You can lose time with your family or miss out on an important business affair. That’s why you need to fight a DWI charge. You could be fighting for your ability to keep your life as you knew it. But, if there was a breath or blood test that shows you were illegally intoxicated, how can you fight it?

    There are two things you should keep in mind:

    • Even if there is alleged evidence that showed you were illegally intoxicated, a DWI in Texas is still defensible.
    • You are considered innocent until you are proven guilty.

    A qualified attorney will be able to approach your case from all angles, so they can prove your innocence or weaken the State’s case against you.

    How to Fight a DWI in Texas

    While a Texas DWI is considered a criminal offense, it’s a specific area that requires a more specialized understanding of the laws, the tests being used as evidence, the practices and policies of law enforcement with regard to collecting this evidence, as well as the court system. There are a lot of intersections in these types of cases, so a DWI attorney must know about them and how they work. They must also use that knowledge in a way that will work to your benefit.

    Every case will need a specific strategy to be successful. There are certain ways that a DWI can be fought, and there are some techniques that can be helpful. Some of them can include but may not be limited to:

    • Representing you at your ALR hearing for the purpose of getting important evidence on which to build your case.
    • Challenging any violation of your constitutional rights (including failure to have reasonable suspicion to pull you over, as well as the improper search and seizure of your person or property).
    • Challenging field sobriety tests.
    • Challenging breath tests.
    • Challenging blood tests.
    • Challenging the DRE and its results.
    • Moving the court to suppress evidence or exclude testimonies from witnesses.
    • Using police reports to identify key pieces of information, and challenging police officers with regard to the collection evidence as well as the proper administration of the law.
    • Proving that any accident that occurred wasn’t your fault.

    Your ability to defend a DWI in Texas will depend on your attorney’s knowledge of the law and how well he or she can put it together strategically. If you’re looking for a criminal defense lawyer in Corpus Christi that can help you with your case, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.