Gale Law Group
525 Clifford Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
  1. Multiple articles on about DA trial

    Petition to remove Nueces County district attorney to be amended; second hearing coming

    District Attorney Mark Gonzalez asks Nueces County to pay legal fees in removal petition

    caller times

  2. Chris Gale is representing DA Mark Gonzalez

    Lots of articles last month about a high profile case involving the current District Attorney Mark Gonzalez. Stay tuned for developments!

    Nueces County District Attorney appears in court as defendant

    Nueces county attorney re-files petition to remove DA Mark Gonzalez

    kris 6 news

  3. The Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney

    If you’re facing criminal charges in Texas, it would be in your best interest to contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible because it will make sure your rights and freedoms will be protected. A lot of people don’t understand the role that this person plays in their case. So, if you have been arrested because you were suspected of a crime, you should speak to a criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi immediately.

    criminal defense attorney

    The Role of Criminal Defense Attorney

    Some of the things that a criminal defense attorney will do to help your case will include the following:

    • Will interview you to understand your case — A criminal defense attorney will interview you to find out the specifics of your case. This is important for any knowledgeable lawyer who wants to come up with a solid defense. Without this important step, your attorney won’t be able to develop a good strategy.
    • Will investigate your case to build a defense — Your lawyer will be able to perform an in-depth investigation, so he or she can gather the evidence and information that’s necessary to come up with a solid defense. Your attorney will also interview all of the witnesses while reviewing the prosecutor’s case to find any flaws, weak points, and loopholes.
    • Will examine the evidence in the prosecutor’s case — Your attorney will be able to come up with the most appropriate strategy to defend you by examining all the evidence gathered by law enforcement (in addition to what they find in their own investigation).
    • Will help you to negotiate a plea bargain — In a lot of cases, the prosecution will offer a “plea bargain” to defendants. They will give you the opportunity to plead guilty to a reduced charge in exchange for a lesser sentence. But before you admit guilt or negotiate a plea bargain, your attorney will need to look at the available defenses to see if it’s possible to get the charges dismissed.
    • Will prepare your case for trial — If your case goes to trial, an attorney will be able to come up with a solid defense strategy. This person will be able to answer all possible questions that the prosecution may ask, which can help you to get a more favorable outcome.

    If you’re looking for a criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi that can help you with your case, be sure to reach out to Gale Law Group.

    Advantages of Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney

    Some of the advantages of hiring a criminal defense attorney will include the following:

    • Knowing how to navigate the legal system — An experienced criminal defense attorney will have a good understanding of the legal system, which can be helpful in coming up with a good defense strategy.
    • Connections in the legal system — Having a good idea of who’s involved in a criminal case can help your attorney to come up with a good strategy for your defense, because they communicate with prosecutors and judges on a daily basis.
    • Protection from serious criminal penalties — Facing criminal charges can be frustrating and even stressful, but having a criminal defense attorney will make sure that the charges will be dismissed. If you have been found guilty, a criminal defense attorney might be able to persuade the judge to reduce the penalty.
    • Access to resources that can help your defense — Good criminal defense attorneys will have the expertise and resources to defend you. It’s all about collecting evidence, cross-examining witnesses, finding loopholes in the prosecutor’s case, and having a good defense strategy. If you hire a criminal defense attorney with the right knowledge, you can count on this person to use these resources effectively.
    • Savings of both time and money — Representing yourself in a criminal case can be time-consuming, expensive, and even risky. It may seem like you’ll be saving money by taking this approach, but you should think about the long-term consequences of losing your case. You most likely won’t have the expertise, knowledge, connections, and resources to defend yourself. And a self-representing criminal defendant is always an easy target for prosecutors. A criminal defense attorney will not only protect your rights and your freedom, but will also speed up the process.

    It’s always in your best interests to hire a qualified attorney to help you with your case, so you can get your life back to normal. If you’re looking for one of the best criminal defense lawyers in Corpus Christi, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.

  4. Should You Invoke Your Right to Remain Silent if You Have Been Arrested?

    Everyone has heard the phrase, “You have the right to remain silent.” It’s often followed by, “Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.” Most of us have heard these words in movies or on TV, and some have heard them in real life. These words are part of what is referred to as the Miranda warning. While most people are familiar with it, many of them don’t know how important it is to invoke their right to remain silent after they have been taken into custody.

    The right to remain silent is protected by the U.S. Constitution. In a lot of cases, invoking this right can help you to fight your charges and avoid a conviction. If you have been arrested for any criminal offense, you should speak to a qualified attorney as soon as possible. This person will make sure you understand your rights so you don’t incriminate yourself.

    man being interrogated

    The importance of Your Right to Remain Silent

    The Fifth Amendment protects American citizens from incriminating themselves both during and after an arrest. In Miranda vs. Arizona, the Supreme Court ruled that any arrested person can’t be questioned by the police until they’re aware of their right to remain silent. Officers are legally required to read your Miranda rights when you’re taken into custody. This includes informing you of the following:

    • Your right to remain silent.
    • Your right to consult with an attorney.
    • Your right to have your attorney present during a police interrogation.

    If a police officer doesn’t read your Miranda rights, any statements you make during an interrogation can’t be used as admissible evidence in your case.

    When Police Officers are Required to Read Your Miranda Rights

    According to Federal Law, police officers are legally required to give you a Miranda warning when they take you into custody and ask you questions during an interrogation. You’re considered to be “in custody” when you’re not free to leave. If you’re not in custody, the office isn’t required to read your Miranda rights. A lot of people don’t understand when they’re actually in police custody, which is why they may feel pressured to answer questions being asked by officers. That’s why you should ask the officer if you’re free to leave.

    When You Should Invoke Your Right to Remain Silent

    In most cases, it’s in your best interests to cooperate with law enforcement. But, there’s a difference between cooperation and incrimination. The police may force you to make incriminating statements, which is why you need to know when to invoke your right to remain silent.

    If the police stop you, keeping quiet and refusing to answer the officer’s questions can look suspicious. It may be best to answer any questions unless it can be used as incriminating evidence. But if an officer arrests you and takes you into custody, you should exercise your right to remain silent. You also want to use your Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination by not answering any questions until your lawyer is present.

    Why You Should Invoke Your Right to Remain Silent

    If you want to invoke your right to remain silent, you must explicitly say that you’re asserting your Fifth Amendment right. This was made clear in Salinas vs. Texas, when the Supreme Court allowed the prosecution to use the defendant’s silence as evidence of their guilt. If you don’t explicitly say that you’re invoking your right against self-incrimination, your silence during a police interrogation can be used as admissible evidence of your guilt.

    How to Invoke Your Right to Remain Silent

    If you have been arrested for a crime in the State of Texas, you should explicitly say that you want to exercise your right to remain silent (which is the right way to avoid self-incrimination). After the Salinas vs. Texas case, the importance of explicitly invoking this right can’t be overstated.

    If you plan to “plead the Fifth” by refusing to answer questions, you must inform the police. Otherwise, the police will continue with their questioning and use your silence as evidence that you are either guilty or have something to hide. Once you explicitly invoke your right to remain silent, the police can’t use your refusal to answer questions as evidence of your guilt.

    If the police pressured you into making an incriminating statement or used any other illegal tactics, you should speak to a qualified attorney as soon as possible because he or she can make sure it isn’t used as admissible evidence.

    If you’re looking for a criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi to help you with your case, be sure to reach out to Gale Law Group.

  5. 7 Possible Defenses for Your Criminal Case

    If you have been charged with a crime, you might be wondering what types of defenses you can use to help your case. To answer this question, you need to know the different legal defenses associated with criminal law. Once your case goes to trial, the prosecutor must prove that you’re guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.” But you’re also entitled to come up with a defense, which can be done in a variety of ways. You can try to “poke holes” in the prosecutor’s case, claim that someone else committed the crime, or claim that you had a legal and reasonable defense for doing it.

    Here are some of the possible defenses that you can use in a criminal case.

    possible defenses

    #1: Innocence

    This is one of the simplest defenses to any criminal case. It can be used if you didn’t commit the crime of which you have been accused, but there’s one thing you should remember. The prosecution has to prove that you’re guilty of every part of the crime with which you have been charged “beyond a reasonable doubt.” If you’re innocent of the crime, you don’t have to prove anything. You do, however, have the option of offering testimony, documents, and other types of evidence that support your claim.

    #2: Constitutional Violations

    These types of defenses can be used if there’s a question of how the police and other law enforcement officials collected evidence. You don’t want to miss any of these defenses, because it could lead to a dismissal of your entire case. Some constitutional violations can include the following:

    • The illegal search and seizure of your home, car, clothing, or person.
    • Failure to obtain a warrant for entry.
    • Obtaining an improper confession.
    • Failing to read your “Miranda Rights” at the time of your arrest.

    Police officers will often make mistakes in the way they do their jobs, and they may require the evidence used against you to be suppressed. It may even lead to a dismissal of the prosecution’s case.

    #3: Alibi

    Some criminal defenses (such as the alibi defense) are considered “affirmative defenses,” which means that you must be able prove it. For an alibi defense to work, you must be able to prove that you were somewhere other than the crime scene at the time it took place. Some of the supportive evidence you can use for this defense can include:

    • Testimony from someone you were with.
    • Surveillance footage.
    • Receipts from a restaurant, store, movie theater, or sporting event.
    • Phone records.

    Be sure to speak to a qualified attorney for more information.

    #4: Insanity

    You might have heard about this defense from watching TV courtroom dramas, but the insanity defense isn’t used very often for a few different reasons. The first one is that it’s an affirmative defense, so you must prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that you were suffering from a severe mental disorder or defect at the time you committed the crime.

    The insanity defense is used to prove that you were either unable to know right from wrong at the time you committed the crime (known as the “M’Naghten Rule”) or you had an “irresistible impulse” to commit the crime (which means that you knew that what you were doing was wrong but wasn’t able to stop doing it).

    Another reason why the insanity defense isn’t used that often is because it requires the defendant to admit that he or she committed the crime. If you use this defense and the jury doesn’t agree that you were insane, you have already admitted to too many facts against you (which will most likely help the prosecution’s case). But if the insanity defense is successful, institutionalization will be the most likely outcome.

    #5: Self-Defense

    This type of defense can be used in cases that involve assault, battery, and murder when the violence being used was a justified response to a violent act or any threat of violence from the victim. But the amount of force you used must be reasonable and proportionate (which is usually the same or less) to what was used by the victim.

    #6: Defense of Others

    This involves any justified use of force or violence in the defense of others. It can be used if you used violence to protect someone else (such as a spouse, a child, another family member, or even a stranger).

    #7: Defense of Property

    This defense could work if you used force or violence to protect any property (such as land or items) from damage or destruction, but it does have one limitation. The amount of force being used to protect your property can never be lethal.

    If you’re looking for a criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi to help you with your case, be sure to reach out to Gale Law Group.

  6. What Can Happen if You Don’t Show up For Court?

    Everyone makes mistakes. But, if you don’t show up on your scheduled court date, you could face some serious consequences. This kind of thing happens frequently, and it often occurs on the first court appearance. If this has happened to you and you don’t hire a lawyer (or your lawyer doesn’t tell the court), it’s up to the bondsmen to notify you after the charges have been filed and that you have a scheduled court date. They do this most of the time, but sometimes they don’t.

    Not appearing during your scheduled court date will forfeit your bond, which will result in a warrant being issued for your arrest. Once you have been arrested again, you will have to bond again (usually at a much higher amount). The authorities will actively try to arrest you. Uf they’re not able to locate you, the warrant will show up on a records check if you’re stopped for any reason. Failure to appear can also be treated as a separate charge, so the prosecution can choose to file a new charge for failure to appear. If your original charge was a misdemeanor, the new one will be a felony. A bond will also be set on the new charge, which will be high.

    In most cases, the failure to appear in court is because of a mistake (or even stupidity). If you have an attorney, most courts will notify this person (who can go to the judge and try to convince this person to withdraw the warrant). This strategy is usually successful, but you better not miss another one.

    empty court room

    Consequences for Not Appearing in Court

    The consequences for not appearing in court will depend on the surrounding circumstances, but here are some of the common penalties:

    • Bench Warrant — Not showing up on your scheduled court date can cause the judge to issue a bench warrant (which is an order being issued for your arrest). It’s a guaranteed way to make sure you show up in court next time. Once the judge has issued a bench warrant, you can be picked up anywhere. If you get stopped for any reason, you’ll be going to jail as soon as they run your information.
    • No-Show Penalty — There are some reasons why you didn’t show up in court that can be enough to avoid a penalty. Something as serious as a hospital stay will most likely keep you from being penalized. But, if your situation wasn’t that serious and was a result of irresponsibility on your part, the court can penalize you. The amount of the penalty will be based on the nature of the original charge.
    • Jail Sentence and Fines — The judge can impose a fine or even a jail sentence if you’re found guilty of failure to appear, bail jumping, or contempt of court. This can be added to the sentence you can get for your original charge.

    If you can avoid getting arrested a second time because of a bench warrant, do it. Otherwise, it will complicate your situation. A failure to appear can make an already bad situation worse, because you could be seen as someone who can’t be trusted (which could lead to a more serious sentence).

    Possible Defenses for Failure to Appear

    To find out that you have failed to appear, the court must see if you had proper notice and that you didn’t appear on purpose. If the normal procedure is to send a notice by mail, the court is only required to send it to the address that they have listed in the court records or to your attorney. If you’re not being represented by an attorney (such as in a traffic case), you need to make sure that courts have your current address on file. If your address changes and you don’t inform the court, not getting the notice won’t excuse you from a failure to appear.

    If there were circumstances beyond your control that kept you from appearing in court (such as a serious illness, an accident, or a natural disaster), it could be a defense against a failure to appear. But, you must present evidence that there was such an emergency that prevented you from making it to court.

    If you’re not a defendant in a criminal or traffic case, but are required to make an appearance in court as a witness or for some other purpose, you must comply with this order. If you don’t show up, you’re also at risk of being charged with failure to appear or criminal contempt. The court can even issue a bench warrant for your arrest.

    If you’re facing criminal charges and are looking for a criminal defense attorney to help you with your case, be sure to reach out to Gale Law Group.

  7. Fentanyl Overdoses and Cases are on the Rise in Corpus Christi

    Fentanyl has been around for a while. It’s a very strong pain medication that’s 50-100 times stronger and more addictive than morphine. It’s now being trafficked by the cartel in a way that makes them look like pills (or even candy), but taking it can have fatal consequences. The State of Texas has reported an 89% increase in fentanyl-related deaths, which is why Governor Greg Abbott started taking aggressive measures to stop fentanyl and other drugs from crossing the border. He has even classified cartel members as terrorists.

    According to Mike Tamez (who is with the District Attorney’s Criminal Interdiction Unit), fentanyl is “the epidemic of the 80’s.” The unit also patrols Highway 77 in an attempt to stop illegal cartel smuggling (with fentanyl showing up on their radar more frequently). According to Tamez, they recently stopped an 18-wheeler in Roma with 35 kilograms of fentanyl inside. But, his biggest concern is that the drug has already made its way into the City of Corpus Christi.


    Why the Rise in Fentanyl Cases is Concerning

    There has been a great deal of overdose deaths in the city related to fentanyl. Most of the time, they didn’t know it was in the drugs. The cartels are using it to cut other illegal substances (such as cocaine and heroin). In fact, most overdose-related deaths in Corpus Christi are because of fentanyl. A dose about the size of three grains of rice can be deadly. While some medications (such as Narcan) would be able to save someone from an opioid overdose, the rising trend is concerning. Because of fentanyl’s addictive nature and the high price tag, cartels are able to make a lot of money. A single kilogram can make up to $25,000, but their earning potential can increase if it goes further north.

    The Nueces County Sheriff has also seen proof that fentanyl is making its way into the local jails. The drug is distributed in a liquid form and can be put onto the paper, which can be mailed to inmates inside the Nueces County Jail. That’s why they have been inspecting incoming mail for signs that the paper has been altered. If they see anything suspicious, they test it with kits that can identify the presence of opioids (including fentanyl).

    Recent Statistics Related to Fentanyl

    According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, people who die of a drug overdose in the United States are more likely to have fentanyl in their system than any other drug. The federal statistics are also in line with what is happening in Corpus Christi. Not only is fentanyl much stronger than heroin, but it’s also being mixed with a number of other drugs (including heroin). According to the director of the Palmer Drug Abuse Program, many people aren’t aware of fentanyl’s potency (which is why this practice is so dangerous).

    In 2016, fentanyl was involved in almost a third of all drug overdoses in the country. While the local numbers for these types of cases aren’t immediately available, the medicine being used to counteract its effects can be tracked. Police officers walk around with their own supply of Narcan in case they get exposed to heroin. So, they either have a way to treat themselves or have a partner who can treat them.

    According to the EMS statistics for the City of Corpus Christi, Narcan was used 354 times in 2018 to counteract the effects of overdosing. While the numbers are higher for people over the age of 51, there is still an alarming number of overdoses among people under 50 years of age. Like any other drug, kids will start experimenting without knowing what they’re really taking, how it can affect their bodies, and how fast it can kill them. It can stop your breathing very quickly. And if you take it while drinking alcohol, you will certainly have an overdose.

    Over 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses from April 2020 to April 2021. In fact, overdose-related deaths have increased by almost 30% from the same period the year before. Most of these overdoses are related to fentanyl, which has now become the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45. That’s why Governor Abbott has increased the presence of law enforcement and border security. He even signed laws that would enhance criminal penalties for manufacturing and distributing fentanyl.

    All the research shows that fentanyl is coming from the other side of the border. It comes from China, goes through Mexico, and makes its way into the United States through the drug corridor leading up to Houston.

    If you have been charged with a fentanyl-related crime and are looking for a Corpus Christi criminal attorney, be sure to reach out to Gale Law Group.

  8. Types, Rules, and Conditions of Texas Probation

    The goal of any Texas probation program is to rehabilitate, so people who are facing felony convictions can successfully integrate into society as productive and law-abiding citizens. In this respect, probation can benefit those who have been convicted of crimes as much as it can help society as a whole. But, just because it’s beneficial, it doesn’t mean it’s easy to navigate. If you make one false move, you could go back to prison.

    probation officer

    When Probation is Awarded in the State of Texas

    Most felons can get probation in Texas by negotiating a plea bargain with the prosecution. A defendant might be able to bypass the Texas indictment process with a grand jury by agreeing to a plea deal in which he or she pleads guilty to avoid prison time. Instead, the defendant will get a probation sentence. A sympathetic judge might give a first-time offender a second chance by issuing a probation sentence instead of prison time.

    The Terms of Felony Probation in Texas

    The rules for Texas probation will depend on the defendant, the conviction and whether the sentencing judge issued any special probation conditions. Felony probations requirements in Texas will usually require defendants to:

    • Attend the regularly scheduled meetings with their probation officers. These meetings will usually happen on a monthly basis, but the judge might give them a different probation meeting schedule.
    • Keep a job in a reliable and lawful occupation.
    • Not break any federal, state, and local laws (even laws in other countries).
    • Not consume alcohol, illicit drugs, or other control substances.
    • Stay away from criminal associates. They can’t even socialize or spend time with people who could potentially lead them into engaging in some type of criminal activity.
    • Allow probation offices to carry out unscheduled visits at their homes or workplaces.
    • Allow probation offices to perform random and unscheduled searches.
    • Complete a specific amount of community service.
    • Request approval before moving into a new residence, changing jobs, or traveling out of Texas.
    • Pay all court costs, supervision fees, and fines.
    • Submit to regular drug tests by their probation officers.

    Be sure to speak to a qualified attorney for more information.

    Special Conditions of Probation in Texas

    Texas criminal courts can impose special conditions on a probation sentence, as long as it falls within Texas probation laws. These special terms of Texas probation can depend on a number of factors related to the case. They can even include a creative form of punishment that’s specific to your case.

    Special conditions of probation in Texas will usually involve the completion of classes, rehabilitation programs, and other requirements that can include the following:

    • Sex offender registration.
    • Texas drug offender programs.
    • Victim impact programs.
    • Drug and alcohol assessments.
    • Life skills classes.
    • Mental health counseling programs.
    • Drunk driving education programs.
    • Ignition interlock device installation.

    Be sure to speak with a qualified attorney for further details.

    Felony Probation in the State of Texas

    This is the most serious type of probation in Texas, because it can come with the consequences for committing a felony crime (such as a drug crime or sexual assault). You will most likely be supervised by someone from the Department of Corrections, and it will most likely be for at least 18 months or even for many years. You also need to get permission from the state if you want to move. You could even be monitored with measures that can include, but may not be limited to:

    • Drug testing.
    • GPS tracking.
    • Curfews.
    • Counseling.

    You may also have to report where you are to your assigned officer or team.

    Misdemeanor Probation in the State of Texas

    Because it’s less serious than a felony probation, the rules for a misdemeanor probation in Texas isn’t as strict. While every case is different, you will usually have to report to your probation officer. You will also have to go to all scheduled legal appointments, stay out of trouble with the law, and get a travel permit before you leave the state.

    Deferred Probation in the State of Texas

    Also called “deferred adjudication,” deferred probation is issued when a judge defers your prison sentence until you have completed your probation. But, if you don’t follow the rules, your deferral could be revoked and be sent to prison. If you’re on regular probation, you might not go to prison if you break

  9. The Criminal Defense Process from Arrest to Appeal

    Before you can be arrested and charged with a crime, the officer must have “probable cause” to do so. Specific law enforcement agencies (including the Corpus Christi Police Department) may have certain procedures with regard to search warrants, interrogation, seizure of property, or anything else that may be relevant to the process. Many people make the mistake of waiting to contact an attorney after they have been arrested, but hiring a lawyer early in the process (such as in the investigation stage) can have a positive impact on your case.

    criminal defense process

    The Arrest

    Once the police have probable cause, they will arrest you. This is when you’ll be booked at a local police station or jail. During this process, the police will take your fingerprints and will photograph you. They will also record the charges that have been filed against you. You may even be searched and questioned. You have no legal obligation to talk to investigators. In fact, you’re encouraged not to speak with any police officer without the presence of your attorney.

    The Arraignment and Bail

    Your first appearance in court is called an “arraignment,” and it’s the first time that formal charges will be filed against you. This brief hearing must take place as soon as possible after you have been arrested, and it’s where you will appear in front of a judge with your attorney (if you choose to hire one). The judge will confirm that you’re the one being charged, that you know what you’re being charged with, and how you intend to plead (guilty, not guilty, or no contest).

    The arraignment is also when your bail amount will be set, and your next court appearance will be scheduled. Bail will allow you to go home while the trial is taking place, which is an amount of money that the court holds to make sure you come back at your scheduled trial date. This amount will be set by the judge.

    Pretrial Hearings and Plea-Bargaining Process

    The next step in the criminal defense process involves pretrial conferences and hearings, which are a series of meetings between the prosecution and the defense. Both parties talk about the strengths and weaknesses in the case, as well as any pretrial motions and indirect factors that may affect the plea-bargaining process. This is when the defense attorney may try to work out a deal with the prosecution to prevent a trial, which can include getting them to reduce the charges in exchange for a guilty plea.

    The Trial

    If the defendant pleads “not guilty” and a plea agreement can’t be reached, the case will go to trial. This will often take place in the following order:

    • Jury Selection — If the trial requires the presence of a jury, twelve of them must be selected. Both the defense and the prosecution can also challenge any potential jurors.
    • The Prosecution’s Case — After the jury has been selected, the trial starts with the prosecution making its opening statements and with presenting evidence.
    • The Defense’s Case — After the prosecution has made its case, the defense will try to find holes or weaknesses in the prosecution’s arguments.
    • Closing Arguments — After both sides have made their case, each side will make their final statements. The prosecution will sum up its arguments first, which will be followed by the defense.

    After the trial process is over, it’s time for the judge or jury to decide on a verdict.

    The Verdict

    After the trial proceedings have been completed, the judge or jury will meet in private to determine whether the defendant is guilty “beyond a a reasonable doubt.” This part of the process can be done in minutes, or it can go on for weeks. Once they decide on a verdict, it’s read to the defendant in court.


    If you have pleaded or have been found guilty, the sentence for the crime on which you have been convicted will be set by the judge. The length and severity of the punishment must fit the crime, which is a difficult process that involves looking at the defendant’s criminal record, level of remorse, and a number of other factors.

    The Appeal

    If you have been convicted on some or all of the criminal charges that have been filed against you, you have the right to appeal the verdict up to at least one level of the appellate court. The Texas Court of Appeals is the state’s mid-level court system. It looks for any improper procedural issues that have taken place during the initial trial, and it has the power to overturn the decision of a lower court. The highest court in the state is the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, and they can take appeal cases from the mid-level court system.

    If you’re looking for a criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi to help you with your case, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.

  10. 6 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney in Corpus Christi

    If you’re facing criminal charges, you should know why it’s important to hire a Texas criminal defense attorney to help you with your case. This person may be all that stands between you and time in prison (or even hefty fines). That’s why you need to hire an attorney as soon as you can.

    In almost every case, you’ll be better off if you hire a criminal defense attorney in Texas as soon as you’re charged with a crime. Even if you’re part of a criminal investigation, you should contact an attorney before you talk to anyone. If you have someone on board from the beginning, he or she will be able to put together a more solid defense on your behalf. It will also make sure you don’t inadvertently say the wrong things to a police officer or any other law enforcement official.

    corpus christi attorney

    Here are some important reasons why you should hire a criminal lawyer in Texas if you have been charged with a crime.

    #1: Time is Not on Your Side

    If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, time will not be on your side. That’s why you need to act quickly before your case can take a turn for the worse. Prosecutors will keep gathering evidence so they can use it against you, and your best chance of negotiating a reduction or dismissal of your charges is to start the process as soon as possible. They should, however, be handled by a qualified attorney who can act quickly after you have been arrested. That way, he or she can negotiate a reduced charge or even get them dropped.

    #2: You Need to Take a Professional Approach

    Criminal charges are serious, which is why you need to take a professional approach. You must be able to deal with any problems or challenges head-on. It might be necessary to mediate between you and the one accusing you. If this happens, a professional approach by a criminal defense attorney in Texas can be helpful. You should never contact your accuser on your own. It’s best to leave that to a professional.

    #3: You Need to Know Your Legal Options

    If you’re facing criminal charges, you need to know your legal options. A criminal lawyer in Texas will be able to give them to you while advising you on your next steps. This person will always have your best interests at heart.

    #4: You Should Never Answer Questions Without an Attorney Present

    If police officers, investigators, or prosecutors want to question you about a criminal case in which you have been implicated, you should never answer their questions without an attorney present because he or she will be able to advise you on how to answer. Otherwise, you could accidentally hurt your case by saying the wrong thing. Police officers will often try to trick suspects into implicating themselves in a crime. It’s your legal right to have an attorney with you when you’re being questioned. Getting one is not an admission of guilt, but simply a protection of your legal rights.

    #5: Your Constitutional Rights May Have Been Violated

    A Texas criminal defense attorney will be able to determine if your constitutional rights have been violated by arresting officers, who often make mistakes or overstep their legal boundaries. The authorities may not have secured a proper warrant to search your home or your belongings, or they may not have probable cause for performing one to begin with. If you hire an attorney, you may find out that the evidence being used in your case isn’t admissible in court.

    #6: You May Want to Make a Plea Bargain

    Criminal cases are often resolved before they go to trial by having a criminal defense attorney in Texas negotiate a plea bargain (which is also referred to as a “plea agreement” or “plea deal”). This means that by agreeing to a guilty plea, you will get a lesser charged or with the understanding that your punishment will be reduced. This is often done to reduce the time and expense of going to trial. It may even be the first thing that prosecutors offer, which is when your lawyer can negotiate one that works more in your favor. If a fair plea agreement can’t be reached, your attorney can then fight for your case when it goes to trial.

    If you’re being charged with a crime and are looking for a criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi to help you with your case, be sure to get in touch with Gale Law Group.