Gale Law Group
525 Clifford Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78404

Gale Law Group, Defense Attorneys In Corpus Christi, TX

You should know that you have rights and that you’re entitled to a fair trial. Whether you’re facing criminal charges, been treated unfairly in the workplace, or have been harassed by law enforcement because of circumstances that are beyond your control, we’ll work hard to defend you in a Court of Law. Our staff has many years of experience in criminal defense, civil rights, and employment law, and we can help you get the justice you deserve.

Criminal Defense

If the State of Texas has a legal claim against you — one that accuses you of committing a criminal offense— your decision to hire an attorney can impact your future. Being convicted of a criminal offense can have a huge impact on your life, which can affect your ability to find employment. Not to mention, the time that you can spend in jail or prison. You need to find an experienced criminal defense attorney in Corpus Christi for more information about your case, which can put you in a better position to protect your legal rights.

Here at Gale Law Group, we can help in the defense of any criminal defense cases, including:

  • Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) — If you have accused of a DWI offense, you could be faced with huge fines, time in jail, as well as the suspension of your driver’s license.
  • Drug Distribution — The Texas Controlled Substances Act prohibits the distribution of certain drugs, and you could be found guilty if the prosecution is able to prove that you had knowingly and intentionally delivered marijuana or any other controlled substance.
  • Drug Manufacturing — The manufacture or cultivation of an illegal drug is also considered to be a violation of the Texas Controlled Substances Act if it falls within any of the four groups that have been listed.
  • Drug Possession — The Texas Controlled Substances Act makes it unlawful to possess certain drugs, which have been classified as illicit or controlled.
  • Identity Theft — Identity theft involves the access of someone’s personal information for the purpose of committing fraud, which is a serious crime.
  • Money Laundering — Criminals have to take large amounts of money that they have earned illegally and make it look like it came from a legitimate source. Any money that’s earned from criminal activity is considered “dirty,” and money laundering is seen as a way of “washing” it to make it look clean.
  • Forgery — The criminal definition of forgery involves the making of false documents, modifying one that already exists, or using a signature that isn’t your own. These activities are used for deceitful purposes, and many people who are charged with these crimes are also charged with fraud.
  • Fraud — Fraud is considered to be any action that’s meant to deceive someone, usually for the purpose of gaining a monetary or personal advantage. Many people fall victim to these types of crimes, and it always involves some sort of misrepresentation or deceitful action.
  • Family Violence — Family violence is considered to be any use of force that causes injury to someone else, places someone at risk of bodily harm, or causes physical contact that may be considered offensive or provocative. If you have been the victim of domestic violence, go to a safe location and call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7223.
  • Sex Crimes — Being accused of a sex crime can seriously impact your life. Not only can it damage your reputation, but it can also ruin your career and even your relationships.
  • Homicide — According to the State of Texas, homicide refers to any action that intentionally and knowingly causes the death of someone else.
  • Probation Revocations — If you have your probation revoked, you may have to serve the rest of your sentence. And if you have been arrested for another crime, you could face penalties for both crimes.
  • Theft — Theft is any action that involves the taking of someone’s property without his or her consent, and it can refer to any number of crimes with different levels of severity.
  • Robbery — Robbery is often considered to be the theft or larceny of property or money through the use of physical force of fear tactic. If it involves the use of a deadly weapon and causes injury to the victim, it could be considered “armed” or “aggravated.”
  • Burglary — Burglary usually involves the unauthorized entry into a building or structure with the plan to commit a crime.

If you have been accused of any of these crimes, be sure to contact Gale Law Group.

Civil Rights

A civil right is considered to be any privilege that can be enforced, which can be interfered with by someone else. It can be seen as discrimination if someone’s civil rights have been denied or interfered with because of the following:

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Previous conditions of servitude
  • Physical disabilities or limitations
  • National origin
  • Sexual orientation

If you have experienced any kind of police misconduct, an illegal search, wrongful death, illegal discrimination, whistleblower claim, or anything that violates your constitutional rights, Gale Law Group has a team of experienced attorneys that can help you with your case. You shouldn’t hesitate to do the right thing. Get in touch with us today!

Employment Law

There are many aspects to employment law, which is why you need an experienced attorney to protect you. Having your entities set up properly and getting your contracts in order is critical to the long-term success of your business, so you don’t want to leave something important to chance. Not only should business owners understand their rights as employers, but employees should know what they’re entitled to. The law forbids retaliation of any kind from an employer, which can include any of the following:

  • Hiring and firing
  • Job assignments
  • Promotions
  • Layoffs
  • Training
  • Fringe benefits
  • Any term or condition of employment

Employees are protected from retaliation of any kind, and it’s illegal to do so because of discrimination. Employers are also required to provide overtime pay for employees that work more than 40 hours in a week. To protect yourself, you should have a manual that outlines any policies and procedures within your company. Be sure to speak to someone at Gale Law Group for more information.

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